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Majestic Caverns & Covered Bridges Tour

Fall 2024 Tour-Alabama
October 10-12
(Hotel check in on 10/9,
check out on 10-13)

This will be a fun tour hosted and led by Gerald Grizzard.  Gerald has a wonderful Model A Collection Museum.  This will be a hub and spoke tour, staying in the same hotel for the entire tour.

Registration for this tour, only, will be handled differently.  All monies and registration forms will be USPS mailed to Gerald Grizzard.  Registration will open on 

After a day of touring and exploring on Thursday, Gerald will host the club for supper in his museum.  Friday, will be off to Oneonta, Alabama with stops at two (2), covered bridges, a local park, and a visit to Dry Creek Farm. After the tour of the covered bridges, we will have a private catered lunch for tour member. After lunch, we will be off to Dry Creek Farm to see a large private collection of vintage signs, antiques and collectibles. In the evening members will meet for dinner at the Top of the River restaurant. On Saturday, we will tour the Mustang Museum of America & the Alabama Logan Martin Power generating dam.

Needless to say, this will be a tour packed with driving beautiful Alabama backroads and great sightseeing along the way.

Click on file above to view current year's Membership List

© 2016-2024 Southeastern Touring Group

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